Wednesday, October 5, 2016

References found in the current IDW ROM Spaceknight series (part 1)

I thought I would try and show screenshots from movies or other comics that I feel have been referenced or homaged in the latest ROM series by IDW.

The Thing:

The new look for the Dire Wraiths are eerily similar to this image of The Thing from John Carpenter's film. I think that is awesome.

The Terminator:

In this panel, ROM looks very much like a terminator with his glowing red eyes, chrome body and giving a gesture to the seated Camilla that screams out to me, "come with me if you want to live."

They Live:

The way the Dire Wraiths can 'hide' in plain view is very similar to how the aliens in they live could hide in plain sight. ROM has come to kick butt and chew bubblegum, and ROM can't chew bubblegum, so watch out.

Marvel's Soviet Super Soldiers:

When I saw the image of some of the Solstar Order as ROM was reminiscing about his past, I couldn't help but feel that I have seen something similar to this before. While perusing the interwebs, I see that I most likely have seen Marvel's Soviet Super Soldiers before either in comic or cartoon form.


To me Axiom in the ROM Revolution one shot is an obvious homage to the Alien from James Cameron's Aliens. I love H.R. Giger's unique design for the Alien and it is so iconic that it gets reused (or homaged) by other artists.

Power Rangers:

I have never been a huge Power Rangers fan and I wonder if the creators of the new ROM series knew that what ROM was doing with his translator was very similar to what the Power Rangers do before they get all super-powered and combine forces.

Robocop & Iron Man:

ROM's hud is very reminiscent of Robocop's ability to assess the people or environment around him. I realize ROM's hud looks more like Iron Man's hud, but Robocop preceded Iron Man (in the movies), so Robocop gets the credit in my book.

Please comment if you find additional references that you think I missed or if you agree or disagree with what references I found. Check back for part 2 of the references I have found in IDW's ROM series.

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