Friday, September 23, 2016

IDW ROM Spaceknight issue #2 review

The image of the cover above is the variant of issue #2 my comic shop set aside for me and it happened to be the one I liked the most.

Issue #2 picks up where issue #1 left off and we see that the Dire Wraith infestation of Darby's hometown is more than it originally appeared. There's a hint that something about Darby has kept her from being 'Body Snatched' by the Dire Wraiths and ROM is trying to convince her to help him. In the last issue, ROM had to take out pretty much all of Darby's family Terminator style because they were Wraiths and Darby is still struggling with how to accept that and ROM being an alien.

A big aha moment is the reveal of the secondary phase of ROM's Neutralizer where it looks very similar to the classic version of his Neutralizer in the Marvel series. The secondary phase of the Neutralizer doesn't just take out individual Dire Wraiths, it takes out whole blocks of Dire Wraiths. I have to admit, I was a bit giddy when I saw it happening.

In this issue, we get a brief retelling of ROM's origin including why he joined the Solstar Order. Amazingly, one of the knights of the Solstar order was a bear. ROM's homeworld is now called Elonia, which unfortunately is a far cry from the cooler sounding Galador from the Marvel series. After reading a couple issues of this new series, I believe IDW needed to make darn sure that Marvel wouldn't come knocking with any copyright infringment claims by changing things like ROM's homeworld's name and the look of the armor he wears.

ROM and Darby are eventually separated and that leads to ROM finally meeting up with Camilla. There was a panel where I swear ROM could have said "come with me if you want to live" (which would have been a neat homage to The Terminator), but that wasn't exactly the dialog used. 

The issue ends on a cliffhanger when a sorcerer like Dire Wraith and his minions get the best of ROM and Camilla by evading ROM's Analyser and holding them captive. Will ROM and Camilla escape the clutches of the Dire Wraiths? What are the Wraiths' new capabilities? Tune in next month for the thrilling answer.

Please leave any comments regarding your thoughts of IDW's ROM #2 and what cover variant you got or like the most.

Grade: B

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